A Guide to Guts's Armors, Part 2.3

A Guide to Guts's Armors, Part 2.3: The Albion Armor Welcome back to "A Guide to Guts's Armors." For those joining us now, please start by reading Part 1 , Part 2.1 , and Part 2.2 for the previous armors in the series, including important terminology. The main features of this armor are new pauldrons, new leg armor, rearranged pouches, a new repeating crossbow, and some nifty little bombs. All images created by Kentaro Miura, unless stated otherwise. The Saint Albion Armor: Introduced Volume 17, episode 131, "To Holy Ground". Last used in "The Berserker Armor (1)" After receiving a warning from the Demon Child that Casca is in danger, Guts returns to Godo's workshop and is confronted with the consequences of having abandoned her for two years to seek his revenge. She's been missing for about a month, and though Rickert searched repeatedly he couldn't abandon Erica or her father, who's now dying of old age. Godo remarks that Guts...